Retail Business Awards 2019 / Live streaming from W.A.L.T.


Retail Business Awards 2019 / Live streaming from W.A.L.T. under Creative Guidance of the Design Agency

the Design Agency and it’s sister company W.A.L.T  are presenting the 2019’s Retail Business Awards in Live streaming.


the Design Agency and this year is Official Partner of the RETAILBUSINESS AWARDS, designing the Video Spots, Titling and Creative Media.

For the 17th consecutive year DIRECTION and RETAILBUSINESS magazine organize RETAILBUSINESS AWARDS, the Awards that began in 2002 and are the largest institution of Greek Retail Trade and Industry.

The unique and long-lived market institution, the RETAILBUSINESS AWARDS come refreshed, enlarged, more competitive! The goal is to highlight and award more companies to more categories of purchases.

RETAILBUSINESS AWARDS are held annually under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy and Development and are carried out with the collaboration of the Greek Retail Trade Association (SEELPE) and the Hellenic Confederation of Trade and Entrepreneurship (ESEE).

It is worth noting that the Prize Ceremony awarded with the top Retailer Awards of the Year and Retail Manager honors each year with their participation the Ministry’s political leadership and more than 600 guests including top and bottom executives of the largest retailers and major industries in the country.

The procedure starts with the submission of nominations by category of prizes. The awards are highlighted by the Evaluation Committee, following the nomination of the nominee files by the Organizing Committee. The Evaluation Committee is made up of prominent market figures, academics, research people and representatives of Greek corporate institutions, while KPMG will be the controlling body that will oversee the whole process to ensure credibility and validity of the results.

In the link below you can watch the ceremony live today

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