Google Ads Update: New Brand Controls for Search & Performance Max Campaigns

Google Ads is introducing new brand controls in Search campaigns and brand exclusions in Performance Max campaigns to give advertisers greater control over their ad placements. As artificial intelligence technology plays an increasingly vital role in advertising, Google recognizes the need for brands to have more control over where their ads appear. To address this challenge, Google Ads is rolling out two new features:

Brand Restrictions for Broad Match Keywords in Search Campaigns

Broad match keywords, combined with Google’s Smart Bidding algorithms, can help ads reach relevant audiences and generate conversions. However, some advertisers struggle with broad match campaigns for brand terms due to unwanted impressions and clicks unrelated to their brand. To assist advertisers, Google is introducing brand restrictions for broad match keywords on a global scale. This feature will allow advertisers to set brand terms as broad match keywords but restrict their ads to appear only for searches that include the brand name. This enables ads to reach a larger audience and improve performance while adhering to brand guidelines.

Brand Exclusions in Performance Max Campaigns

Google previously announced that Performance Max campaigns would have the capability to exclude specific brands. After testing this feature, Google is now making it available to all advertisers. Brand exclusions allow advertisers to opt-out of having their ads shown on search and shopping inventory of certain brands. Advertisers can exclude specific brands from displaying their ads, including misspellings of their brand name or brand names in other languages, or even competitors’ brand names. Google Ads provides an extensive list of major brands that advertisers can choose to exclude, and advertisers can request Google to add any missing brands to the list. Excluding irrelevant brands helps ensure that ads appear only for the most relevant searches.

Difference from Negative Keywords

You might wonder how brand exclusions differ from negative keywords. Both brand exclusions and negative keywords are tools used by advertisers to control ad placement, but they operate differently and serve distinct purposes. Brand exclusions prevent ads from appearing on specific sites or apps, while negative keywords prevent ads from showing up with certain search terms or phrases. Although both help advertisers narrow their ad visibility, they function uniquely and cater to different needs.

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