Fewer Than Half of Consumers Can Identify AI-Generated Emails


Fewer Than Half of Consumers Can Identify AI-Generated Emails

A recent study by Instiller on email communication and artificial intelligence (AI) reveals that consumers struggle to distinguish between emails generated by humans and those created by AI. Here are the key findings from the research:

3 Key Findings on Marketing and Brand Communication Emails

  1. One in Two People Cannot Identify a Fake Email

    Overall, half of the respondents were unable to tell whether marketing texts were generated by AI or by humans. In fact, more than half of them incorrectly guessed that human-written texts were generated by AI (52%), while the reverse was true for 48%.

  2. Generation Z is Better at Spotting AI-Generated Emails

    Younger consumers aged 18-24 were significantly better at identifying AI-generated emails, correctly identifying them more than 53% of the time. This indicates that Generation Z is more aware of the differences between AI-generated and human-written content.

  3. Less Than a Third Worry About AI in Brand Communications

    The majority (73%) of people are not concerned about marketing and communication campaigns created by AI. However, younger respondents from Generation Z (18-24 years old) were more concerned about receiving AI-generated brand communications, with nearly 40% expressing worry. This reflects a desire for authenticity in brand communications among younger consumers.

Adrian Toal, co-founder of Instiller, commented: “The distinction between AI-generated content and human-generated content is becoming increasingly difficult. This makes AI a valuable tool for email marketers, but they should be mindful of authenticity in their communications, especially with younger audiences, who demand genuine engagement from brands.”

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