5 Marketing Tips for Brand Success


5 Marketing Tips for Brand Success

Digital marketing is not a set-it-and-forget-it strategy. With new marketing trends, technology, and evolving consumer demands, digital marketing remains in a constant state of flux. The past decade has shown that the digital landscape changes rapidly, and to stay ahead of the competition, you must be proactive.

To help you align your brand’s marketing with future changes and stay ahead of trends, we’ve researched the top trends of 2023 that will have the most impact on digital marketing. Specifically:

1. Influencer Marketing on Social Media

According to Edelman research, only one in three consumers feels they can trust most brands they purchase from. Additionally, 67% of customers agree that while they may buy a company’s product due to its good reputation, they will stop if they lose trust in the company.

In response, many brands are collaborating with influencers to build strong recognition and trust. Influencers are individuals or entities with a substantial or growing follower base on social media who can sway actions. This might include content creators, celebrities, models, or industry experts. Collaborating with influencers enhances a brand’s credibility, as 37% of consumers trust influencers more than mainstream brands.

To succeed in influencer marketing in 2023, develop a strategic influencer marketing plan. A solid strategy will help you select the right influencers to increase your brand’s credibility and recognition in your target market, ultimately boosting your long-term sales.

2. Marketing Automation

Marketing campaigns involve many repetitive tasks that can be automated with the right tools. These include daily tasks such as project assignments, social media posts, lead requests, messaging, email marketing, task reminders, and workflow status updates.

These repetitive marketing tasks can consume your productive time, preventing you from focusing on more valuable functions, like creating fresh marketing content or analyzing key marketing data.

Automation tools are crucial today as marketing becomes increasingly data-driven. Traditionally, automation tools supported data collection and behavior observation. However, in 2023 and beyond, data will drive marketing based on signals, interpreting customer signals to better understand what they want now and in the future.

Next-generation automation tools learn from past customer data and predict future actions. This allows you to automate messages addressing future customer needs, a welcome innovation considering the effort required to manually derive insights from predictive analysis.

3. Creative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Content Creation

Creative AI is improving daily, making automated content creation a disruptive trend in modern content marketing. Cutting-edge AI programs, such as Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3), are already generating high-quality text that mimics human writing. GPT-4, expected to debut in 2023, promises more automation features, greater accuracy, and reduced bias.

While content automation tools are unlikely to eliminate the need for human content creators, they make content curation, creativity, and predictive marketing much easier. Although you might not immediately access advanced tools like GPT-3 due to cost, you can use more affordable tools like Marketmuse or Article Forge to achieve your content creation goals.

The advantage of generative AI is its adaptability; once trained, you can tailor the model to different content types. This makes generative AI highly convenient for digital marketers needing various content forms.

4. Video Marketing

Video marketing has long been a top marketing strategy. However, advancements in video production and delivery have continually increased its importance and transformed best practices for video advertising. Some video marketing trends to implement in 2023 include:

  • Video Search Optimization: Optimize video content for search engines.
  • Live Video: Engage with audiences through real-time streaming.
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality: Create immersive video experiences.
  • Social Media Vlogs and Stories: Share content through personal, engaging formats.
  • Silent Videos: Cater to users who watch videos without sound.
  • Smartphone Production: Utilize mobile devices for video creation.

An exceptional video yields significant returns as it can be shared across multiple channels without starting from scratch each time.

5. Mobile-First Marketing

Mobile devices accounted for 58.99% of global website traffic in Q2 2022. This percentage is expected to increase even further in 2023 and beyond. Pay close attention to mobile-first marketing in your digital strategy to capitalize on this trend.

A mobile-first marketing approach requires optimizing your website and marketing content specifically for mobile users, ensuring they can easily consume and engage with your brand message. Mobile content is more engaging and personal for consumers. To effectively execute mobile-first marketing, consider the following 2023 best practices:

  • Targeted Messaging: Use personalized messages for mobile users.
  • Chatbots: Enhance personalization with automated customer interactions.
  • Mobile-Friendly Content: Create relevant and exclusive content optimized for mobile devices.
  • SMS and In-App Messaging: Leverage text and app-based messaging for engagement.
  • Geotargeting, QR Codes, and Push Notifications: Use location-based strategies to reach users.

To achieve mobile-first marketing, adopt new design and content distribution methods tailored to mobile and optimize your e-commerce site to support and promote mobile commerce.

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