40 tips on How to Advertise Successfully on Social Media in 2018 Part Five!


40 tips on How to Advertise Successfully on Social Media in 2018 Part Five!

We are well into January of 2018, which means it’s not only time to review and summarize 2017, but also prepare for the year in front of us. Discussing digital marketing trends we expect to see in the coming year can be a good start to creating your marketing strategy for 2018. Regardless of whether they are general marketing predictions or have a specific note, they are bound to affect the way we do marketing in the future, so buckle up and read our tips on how to advertise successfully on Social Media in 2018.

31) Shift to mobile, but don’t forget PC either

We are all aware that mobile devices are taking over when it comes to Social Media usage, and here are the statistics to back that up:

  • Mobile is the most popular way to browse the web (51.4%)
  • Laptops come in second at 43.4%
  • Somewhere around 70% of searches are projected to come from mobile next year, so if you’re not working on your business’s mobile presence, you’re only marketing to 30% of those searches

32) Focus on local advertising

The digital landscape is making it easier than ever for local businesses to interact with consumers. Google Posts rolled out to all businesses in 2017. Facebook Local gives consumers a more localized social platform.

And those Local Services Ads make it easy to prove you’re trustworthy. Let’s hope we see more of this local focus in search results and social media in 2018 and beyond because this gives local businesses the chance to compete with even the biggest brands for consumer attention.

33) Don’t shy away from posting (short) videos

In a mobile-first culture, video is our main consumption. In 2017 90% of all content shared by users on social media is video. The biggest challenge is how you can capture your audience’s attention in the first 3 seconds.

34) Live stream compelling content on Social Media

Facebook already offers live streaming via Facebook Live, and businesses must use it to reach their niche target audiences. Live streaming requires commitment from audiences, so it will automatically keep the uninterested ones away.

35) Get into interactive broadcasting

Moreover, with interactive broadcasting channels like Agora, one-way livestreaming is converted into two-way streaming, which allows people to chat with each other. The best part is that your audience is not required to download another app. It integrates with existing apps and allows brands to reach consumers in real-time.

36) Post not only Live Video, but high-quality, relevant video

Simply put, as audiences become more inundated, businesses and marketers will have to become more skilled at creating truly valuable content. Therefore, I do expect the overall quality of video content to improve in 2018.” — Mike Allton, Content Marketing Practitioner, Author, CMO, The Social Media Hat

37) Follow the rule: “Design for sound off, delight with sound on”

As mobile video consumption continues to rise, the majority of users are watching videos with sound off. On average, 85% of users listen to videos with the sound turned off. You can combat this by making sure your video tells a compelling story with or without sound. Use text and graphics, Facebook auto-caption tools, or upload a SRT file to your video ad to add captions to help deliver your message.

38) Create a connection between your consumer and product through augmented reality experience

Brands could soon project their products into the homes of social media users through special filters. For example, IKEA rolled out ‘Place’ an app for users to preview furniture in their home before buying. This is a great way to increase conversions by showing customers how their products will look in the surroundings of their own home, before buying.

39) Join your consumers in live video group hangouts

Houseparty is a video hangout platform used by over one million people each day. It is primarily used by Gen Zers as a way to hang out with friends digitally. The platform is so successful that Facebook is reportedly investigating ways to create a similar functionality within their platform.

We have already seen video become increasingly important on social media, and live video group hangouts are a natural next iteration of this trend. It is conceivable that in 2018, Facebook will announce a similar product to Houseparty that will win over users, just as Instagram’s introduction of Stories did.

40) Invest time and money in interaction with consumers via messaging apps

Over 2.5 billion people use messaging platforms globally, and yet brands are still primarily focused on connecting with consumers on pure social networks. In 2018, expect brands to invest more time and money in connecting with consumers on messaging platforms. Artificial intelligence, voice assistants and chatbots will enable brands to offer personalized shopping experiences on messaging platforms like Messenger, WhatsApp and Kik.

It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly what will happen or be popular when it comes to digital marketing trends in 2018. The truth is — anything is possible! The Social Media environment is fickle and ever changing resulting in novelties emerging every single day.

More tomorrow!


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